Some pages of word document missing from attached files
Some pages of word document missing from attached files

some pages of word document missing from attached files
  1. #Some pages of word document missing from attached files how to#
  2. #Some pages of word document missing from attached files software#
  3. #Some pages of word document missing from attached files windows#

While if your Word document is still blank, try the next option. If the Word document opens with text, the problem is found. Type winword /a in the Run dialog box, and press Enter. Type Run in the Search box and then press Enter.Ģ. When you open Word with /a switch, all the add-ins, global templates, and settings won’t load, so you can determine if the Work blank issue is caused by these factors.ġ.

some pages of word document missing from attached files

The /a switch is a troubleshooting tool that can determine where the problem may be in Word.

some pages of word document missing from attached files

Start Blank Word by Using the /a SwitchĪnother way you can take to fix Word document blank when opened problem is using the /a switch. Stellar Toolkit for File Repair, integrated file recovery and repair software, allows you to repair any corrupted photos, videos, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or other files with ease.įix 3. If the saved Word document is corrupted, you may not open it or it may be blank when opened. Under this circumstance, you need a Word document repair tool.

#Some pages of word document missing from attached files software#

Recover Word Document with File Repair Software This Microsoft Word built-in feature will then fix the problem of corruption that is detected within these documents. Click the down arrow on the Open button, and then click "Open and Repair". In the Open dialog box, click to select the blank Word file.Ĥ. On the File menu or the Microsoft Office button, click "Open".ģ. Open Blank Word Document Using Open and Repair ToolĢ. Try each one in turn until the problem is fixed. On this page, we offer you a few possible solutions to solve the saved Word document now blank issue.

#Some pages of word document missing from attached files how to#

How to Fix Word Document Is Blank When Opened

#Some pages of word document missing from attached files windows#

Read the article on how to recover unsaved Word document in Windows 10. If your Word document opens blank because that you forgot to save it, the solution is different. When you encounter the saved Word document is blank when opened, how to troubleshoot? The next part covers the answers.

  • Malware, virus, or other external threats attack the Word and lead to empty Word document.
  • In this case, the content of your Word document is gone, and the file shows up as empty.
  • The document has been corrupted in some way.
  • The causes of Microsoft saved Word document opens but no text are uncertain. Why is my saved Word document blank when I open it? How can I recover the blank Word documents? Any solutions?" Why Is My Word Document Blank "I was working on a Word document (about 5 pages of a report) for a long time yesterday and saved it several times. But this morning, when I tried to open the document, it just showed up empty with no text. If you've enabled Windows file backup, you can restore Word from previous versions to fix the issue. If the saved Word blank issue is caused by unspecific options and settings, delete Word Data. The /a switch tool can help check where a problem may exist in Word. Stellar Word document repair software can fix corrupted Word easily. Start Word > "File" > "Open" > Select blank word > "Open and Repair". First, try Microsoft Word built-in Open and Repair future to fix the blank Word.

    Some pages of word document missing from attached files